Our views on Construction Industry of India are shared here. Though they are intended to bring our point of view and in the process bring positive change but certainly not to hurt the people who are living this industry with right and moral conduct.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lot is being asked about the Optimum Salaries to be paid to Civil / Construction Engineers

We receive various queries about "How much should be paid to a civil or construction engineer to both fulfill his / her requirement and to retain the talent as well?"
This is a difficult question being posed to the both HR and Owners of construction Industry. We have become typed and we think that any amount being paid to an engineer is more that what he deserves. There is no justification of this notion but the fact remains so and so the question of payment to engineers.
We want all our readers to give us input on this, as today construction Industry is going through a very tough phase and the scarcity of talent has added more to the lack of productive and efficient engineers.


  1. See the best method of calculating wages (for labour) is derived by Indian Government and that is based on the inflation Vs cost of living. I think the same method is being used by Construction Companies to calculate engineers' salaries. The value addition in terms of cost and time effectiveness is totally overlooked and so the confusion has occured in the mind of both HR and owners of real estate companies. They have to look into a broader prospective and then see the value addition vs salaries

  2. Gopaal's recommendation can be the basis. What also needs to be addressed is the working environment & practical difficulties also needs to be factored in. ((Unlike thier (Civil / Construction Engineers) batchmates who work in IT/ITES/BPO airconditioned offices))


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